Netfllix for linux
I’ve been trying to watch netflix using a virtual machine with windows 7 now for…
I’ve been trying to watch netflix using a virtual machine with windows 7 now for about 2 months and let me tell you, it sucks. I really just wish somebody would hack netflix drm and get it over with, but until then I guess I’ll have to wait for netflix to get released on native…
Are you having problems with your email from Godaddy today? Well that could be because It looks like Godaddy may have been hacked by Anonymous. Their entire website is down; emails, admin access, account access… Everything!!! I’ve been receiving phone calls from customers who cannot access their emails and this really seems to be putting…
Have you ever wondered why it seems like everything is so expensive? Every few days a new phone is hitting the market or a new laptop or ipad, but the worst part is the big media companies do such a good job convincing us we need their toys. Then every other day we feel like…
Haven’t heard about Virtualization yet? Well today’s your lucky day. Virtualization, in computing, is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a hardware platform, operating system, a storage device or network resources.[1] So basically you can have a computer inside a computer. This can really come in handy for…
In today’s economy it is important to remember the little things, especially when they could end up costing big bucks when they break. I’m talking about your tech toys – Computers, Phones, Routers, Televisions, Etc. What we need to keep in mind here is these toys can last a very long time if they are…
In today’s tech world there are millions of applications and free tools on the internet for just about anything you could ever possibly want or need. This article is about a great little tool called Synergy that allows you to share a single mouse and keyboard across multiple computers and monitors. Are you using synergy…
Remember when you parent’s used to say, “I’m telling you this for your own good”? Well I’m not your daddy, but I’m telling you it’s time to do that backup! You never know when that lightning strike is going to take out your hard drive or a random virus might get through and eat up…
How to use Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware to scan and remove malware from your computer Posted by Grinler on February 16, 2010 @ 09:54 PM Table of Contents Introduction:As you may have noticed, we use MalwareBytes’, or MBAM, in a lot of our removal guides. We do this for no reason other than the fact that the…
How to Create Your Own Android Trojan in 5 Easy Steps – By Neil J. Rubenking It seems that every few weeks a new crop of malicious Android apps turns up in the market. Sometimes Google just removes them from the market; other times it uses the “kill switch” to disable already-downloaded apps from Android…
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